Enviromental Policy
Downtown Air Condtioning Services is committed to preserving and protecting the environment. We understand that creating and maintaining a safe environment is a part of everyday life. Downtown air is committed and has adopted this as a major part of our overall responsibilities and that all our employees together with management and supervisors are responsible and accountable at all times.
We have adopted and promoted the provisions of the state government Environmental Protection Act with significant importance in the areas of Hazard and Risk Management. including the implementation and careful management of waste minimization.
Downtown Air Condtioning Services objectives are to:
- Reduce, recycle, or reuse as much as possible generated waste products.
- Provide adequate resources to maintain and manage our environment.
- Comply with the statutory requirements of all regulating bodies and the State Environmental Protection Authority.
- Make sure that all recycle products are directed and disposed of to the appropriate facilities.
- Have in place management control to ensure the safe handling, documentation and disposal of all generated waste products.
- Make sure that the operations of all contractors and employees do not affect the surroundings of the residents and or general public in any way.
- Provide training to all its employees and contractors of their obligations in Environment Protection. And implement systems of work so as to provide risk reduction.
- The company is registered with the CFC Registration Board.
- Any employees handling refrigerants have been trained in the correct conformity for the handling and storing of CFC’S, are duly registered and have been issued with permits.
- As part of CFC training, all employees are made aware of their obligations and responsibility of the many Environmental Protection issues
- The company has on its premises refrigerant re-claim and de-canting equipment which are fully maintained.
- All its refrigerant containers are kept in good order and are correctly sealed with caps and seals.
- All refrigerant handling equipment is continually checked for leaks.